Thursday 28 November 2013

Discover Metropolitan Shanghai-Shanghai Tours

Although Shanghai’s explosion onto the China tours world scene is comparatively recent, the city has a trading history of nearly 1,000 years. Shanghai’s strategic location near the Grand Canal and the confluence of the Yangzi and the East China Sea made it a natural distribution point for the cotton, rice and silk grown in the region, which was first put to use during the Song dynasty (960-1279).

By the middle of the 19th century, Shanghai was a regional trading hub and, based on this, the British sought land and trading rights here after victory in the First Opium War (1840-42). They were ceded 140 acres of muddy riverbank north of the walled Chinese city, which became known as the Bund. Other nations soon wanted to get on the bandwagon, and the French established themselves Yangtze River cruises west of the Chinese town in 1847, while the Americans settled north of Suzhou Creek in 1863. The British and American parts of town became known as the International Settlement, while France’s sector was called the French Concession.

Shanghai tours

The international communities within both settlements lived completely apart from the Chinese, under their own laws, and they prospered from trading opium in return for the exotic Shanghai tours goods of the East that were exported to their home countries.

The Taiping Uprising (1850-64) threatened Shanghai’s fortunes and, in response, international forces helped to quell the revolt both in the city and throughout the country, which reaffirmed the military superiority of the colonials. With greater confidence came houses and offices in the home styles of the expat community, and Shanghai’s infrastructure was developed, giving the China educational tours  city China’s first telephones (1881), electricity (1882) and running water (1884).

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Traveling to Shanghai City-Nice Shanghai Tours

Shanghai is full of great things to see China tours and do all over the city. The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower which can be found in Pudong Park is probably one the cities best landmarks. This was once the highest building in the city and its design incorporates 11 spheres/ pearls and 3 huge columns. You can travel to the top in a high speed elevator to a viewing platform offering amazing views of Shanghai.

Lots! People’s Square can be found in the centre of Shanghai and is a beautiful city space. The Longhua Temple (Longhua Si) is Shanghai’s largest and oldest temples and it is a breath-taking building. Inside the Longhua Temple you will Yangtze River cruises find Buddhist scriptures and incredible statues. Make sure you check out Nanjing Road also as this was the first commercial road in Shanghai and is now the city’s top shopping spot.
What about art and culture?

Shanghai tours

You will find the Shanghai Museum on People’s Square. This museum offers free admission and has a very impressive Ancient Bronze exhibition. In the Bund Museum you will find some great Shanghai tours photographic displays and in the basement of the Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower you will find the Shanghai Municipal History Museum. This museum displays the history of the city through some great exhibits.

The city’s name, when translated from the Chinese language, means “above the sea.” Several historians say that the city got its name from the fact that it was literally above the sea in the earlier times. Shanghai is considered a peninsula, located on the Yangtze River Delta. On its north and west is the island of Jiangsu, on its east is the East China Sea, and on its south is Zhejiang. It is situated where the Yangtze River- hailed as the longest river in Asia- connects with the China educational tours East China Sea.


Monday 25 November 2013

Shanghai Tours-Shanghai China Travel Guide

What to Pack

Light clothes like lined China tours Jacket and woollen sweater are suitable for the weather in Spring (from March through to the end of May) and Autumn (from September to November). Extra-light clothing is for summer (from June to August). Heavy woollen overcoats are necessary to keeping out the cold outdoors in winter (from December to February). Since there is much rain during the periods between Spring and Summer and between Summer and Autumn, it is advisable to get rain gear ready.

It is a good idea to take a large quantity of business cards with you, and if possible it would be wise to have the inscription translated into Chinese and printed on the reverse side of the card. When you are introduced to a Yangtze River cruises local take out your card, bow slightly and present it with both hands. They will probably reciprocate in a similar manner most likely holding their card English version uppermost. It is at this point considered good manners to pass a polite comment on the appearance of the other's card, whilst tucking it carefully within the confines of your wallet. Don't get flustered if when meeting a group of people they start clapping when you arrive. This is simply a form of greeting and you may respond by clapping also.

Shanghai tours

Tipping Advice

Tipping used to be very rare in Shanghai tours China but now no doubt through western influence the idea is catching on. In restaurants a 3% tip is standard, bellboys and room service staff expect roughly $1 or $2. You can tip in U.S. dollars as hard currency is always appreciated.

When to Go

The best times to visit Shanghai are spring and autumn. In winter, temperatures can drop well below freezing, with a blanket of drizzle. Summers are hot and humid with temperatures as high as 40degree (104F). In short, you'll need silk long johns and down jackets for winter, an ice block for each armpit for summer and an umbrella wouldn't go China educational tours astray in any seasons.


Sunday 24 November 2013

Great Shanghai Tours-Get Close to Shanghai Xintiandi

Shanghai Museum is located China tours downtown on the south side of People's Square.

Shanghai Museum is one of the best museum in China, the Museum has 11 state-of-the-art galleries and three special exhibition halls arranged on four floors, all encircling a spacious cylindrical atrium. The exhibits are tastefully displayed and well lit, and explanatory signs are in English as well as Chinese. For size, the museum's 120,000 historic artifacts cannot match the world-renowned Yangtze River cruises Chinese collections in Beijing, Taipei, and Xi'an, but are more than enough to fill the galleries on any given day with outstanding treasures. Many foreign visitors to the museum often rank it as Shanghai's very best site.

Shanghai tours


As a museum of ancient Chinese art, Shanghai Museum possesses a collection of 120,000 precious works of art. Its rich and high-quality collection of ancient Chinese bronze, ceramics, China educational tours painting and calligraphy is specially celebrated in the world. Founded and first open to the public in the building previously of the horseracing club at 325 W. Nanjing Road in 1952 and then moved into the former Zhonghui Building at 16 S. Henan Road in 1959, the museum developed very quickly in aspects of acquisition, conservation, research, exhibition, education and cultural exchanges with other institutes.

In 1992, the Shanghai municipal government allocated to the Museum a piece of land at the very center of the city, the People's Square, as its new site. The whole construction took three years, from August 1993 to its inauguration on October 12th, 1996. The 29.5 meters high new building has a construction space of 39,200 square meters. Its unique architectural form of a round top with a square base, symbolizing the ancient Chinese philosophy that the square earth is under the round sky, is a distinguished architectural combination of traditional feature and modern spirit. The present Shanghai Museum has eleven galleries and three special temporary exhibition halls. It extends warm welcome to the Shanghai tours visitors from all over the world.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Best Shanghai Tours-Explore Shanghai Xintiandi

We were looking for a place to China tours eat at XinTianDi, and found WU TONG JU (梧桐居), which served some pretty good chinese food. We had about 7 dishes, and it was about 135 yuan per person, which was reasonable. The food portions were reasonable, and tasty. Service was friendly and prompt. Overall, a good place to try if you want to try good chinese food at XinTianDi.

Xintiandi has been beautifully restored and is a lovely environment to eat some lunch or hang out. The old buildings have been sympathetically treated and the dining options are plentiful. Well worth visiting and Yangtze River cruises grabbing a bite to eat at.

Shanghai tours

Preserved buildings now house shops and restaurants. Husband's family took us here for lunch on Sunday. Great place to grab a bite to eat and stroll around. A block away business travel to China from one of Shanghai's up and coming luxury shopping areas. Nice break from the craziness of the city.

A nice place for Brunch on a sunday where you can get traditional ...... egg and bacon, eggs benedict, etc, etc when you need a break from the local fare. It is old style architecture with a modern touch. China business tour Highly recommended.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Travel to Shanghai Museum-China Shanghai Tours

The Museum, divided into several different China tours large rooms, was very grand, thorough. Each was dedicated to a different subject: there was Pottery/ceramics, paintings and scrolls, antique dress and headgear, beautiful lacquer and wooden carved furniture, calligraphic works. Loved the place.

Be a tourist in your own city, or show visitors just how much this city Yangtze River cruises has to offer. From preserved Ming dynasty bodies to exhibits detailing murder cases, there's a museum for everyone.

Shanghai tours

This large museum is central Shanghai has everything to get a persons atention. It has many display including Jade Gallery (my favourite), Ceramics Gallery, Bronze Gallery (really China business tours cool), Sculpture Gllery (interesting), Coin Gallery (really interesting coins from long ago). I like the Museum of Shanghai but I think the Glembow Museum in Calgary is much much better. This is alright for China. A large step for Shanghai but a small step for Calgary.

I must say that its my first time having to pay (RMB40) to get into a museum!!! It's an over-rated museum. What a dissapointment!! I expected more than just items contributed by individual owners! Yes, there were many levels & I expected to spend at least 3 hrs as everyone has recommended but my husband & I spent only 45 mins coz' the artifacts were just so boring. Not a proper insight of China's China business travel history. Waste of time for me.


Shanghai Tours-Captivating Shanghai Zhujiajiao Water Town

Located in a suburb of Shanghai China tours city, Zhujiajiao is a water town with a history of more than 1,700 years. Endowed with another elegant name - 'Pearl Stream' - the little town is the best-preserved among the four ancient towns in Shanghai. Unique old bridges across bubbling streams, small rivers shaded by willow trees, and houses with courtyards attached all transport people who have been living amidst the bustle and hustle of the modern big city to a brand-new world full of antiquity, leisure and tranquility.

The architectures which can be dated back about 5,000 years are still standing here quietly. 36 stone bridges and numerous rivers line Zhujiajiao, and thousands of ancient buildings still line the riverbanks today. Many Yangtze River cruises centuries-old stone buildings are home to residents today, as they were for many dynasties in the past.

Shanghai tours

Zhujiajiao, where market had already formed during the Song and Yuan Dynasty, was officially set up as a town during Emperor Wanli`s reign of the Ming Dynasty, Another name for Zhujiajio is Pearl Streets Pavilion and has also been given a nice name, the Peal Stream, The town occupies an area of 47 It is crisscrossed by rivers and canals, China educational tours with 9 long streets running along the rivers and thousand of buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture flanking both sides. There are 36 ancient stone bridges, among these there's a first 5stone-arched bridge in shanghai called "Fangsheng Bridge" or "Setting-free Bridge".

Located in a suburb of Shanghai city, Zhujiajiao is an ancient water town famous for short vacation and Yangtze River delta taste travel. It has a history of more than 1700 years. Zhujiaojiao Water Town covers 47 km2, seen from the sky it looks like a pearl in an wonderful landscape of mountain and rivers. Zhujiajiao Water town preserves tens of fancy and old bridges, from wooden to stone marble. Among them Fangshang Bridge is the most famous one, as well the longest and tallest. It was built in 1571, on the bridge stands a stone tablet which is engraved with 8 coiling dragons encircling Shanghai tours a shining pearl.

Sunday 17 November 2013

China Tours-Experience Zhujiajiao Shanghai China

Although the temple does not China tours exist now, there are two ancient gingkoes marking the site. At the end of the bridge there is a wooden corridor, near which there are square tables. People were having breakfast there. We ordered some wonton soup, steamed glutinous-rice dumplings with vegetable stuffing, and sesame seed cakes. The food was so delicious we regretted not having bigger stomachs in order to eat more.

The morning market at the end of the bridge was not yet over. The voices of hawkers and customers bargaining in the soft local dialect lingered over the river. The air was filled with the smell of fish and the aroma of Yangtze River cruises green fields, and in it we saw a vivid picture of Zhujiajiao. My heart was overwhelmed with joy.

Shanghai tours

My friend told me that the ancient township was a commercial center during the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) Dynasties. Markets could be found along the riverside thanks travel to Shangri-la to its convenient water transportation. The township became one of the largest commercial centers on the lower reaches of the Yangtze during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911); and that explains why there are so many buildings in the style of both eras.

We visited some houses and were deeply impressed by both the simple yet elegant furniture inside and the exquisitely carved bricks and window frames outside. While in the town, we probably entered the former residence of a celebrity who might have been a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations or a distinguished scholar in modern China, without even knowing it. Every piece of brick and tile added a strong, cultural China tour feel to the township.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Shanghai Tours-Explore Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple China

Founded in 1882, the Jade Buddha Temple China tours is one of the most illustrious Buddhist temples in all of Shanghai, made up of several humbling gathering-areas and devotional spaces. The Devajara Hall, Jade Buddha Tower, and the Mahavira Hall compile the temple’s primary sections, while each of the facility’s final sweeping halls,—the Recumbent Buddha Hall, the Dining-Room, the Tang Hall, Kwan-yin Hall, and the Amitabha Hall—make up the remainder of this world-class destination that resonates with transcendental power. Visitors young and old, religious or no, will no doubt be struck by the temple’s 70 worshipping monks, the three gold-plated Buddha statues towering affront an incredible main hall, and the 7,000 Buddhist sutras featured at this historic holiday spot.

Shanghai tours

What the busloads come for are the temple's two gorgeous white jade Buddhas, each carved from an individual slab of Burmese jade and brought to Shanghai in 1881 by the monk Huigeng, who was on his way back from Burma to his hometown on nearby Putuo Shan (Putuo Island). A temple was built in 1882 to house the statues, but was destroyed in a fire and rebuilt at the present site in 1918 with swirling eaves characteristic of the Song Dynasty architectural style. Northeast of the main Daxiong Bao Dian (Treasure Hall of the Great Hero), which contains golden images Yangtze River cruises of the Buddhas of the past, present, and future, the Cangjing Lou houses the first of the two treasures: a lustrous, beatific, seated Buddha weighing 205 kilograms (455 lb.), measuring 1.9m (6 ft. 5 in.), and adorned with jewels and stones. The other Buddha is found northwest of the main hall in the Wofo Si, where a less impressive but still beautiful 1m-long (3 ft. 4 in.) sleeping Buddha reclines, his peaceful expression signaling his impending entry into nirvana. Opposite it is a much larger, coarser replica donated by the Singapore Buddhist Friendship Association in 1988.

In the temple, photography is forbidden. The temple closes for lunch between noon and 1 pm, and is open daily except on special occasions, such as the Lunar New Year.

Addresss: Anyuan Lu 170, west of Jiangning Lu, 6 long blocks north of Beijing Xi Lu, Putuo District,
Admission Fee: RMB 20
Opening Hours: 08:00 to 16:30
Recommending Time for a Visit: 1.5 hours
Bus Route:
No.13, 19, 24, 36, 54, 63, 68, 76, 105, 106, 112, 113, 138, 206, 223, 506, 516, 550, 563, 738, 768, 830, 837, 866, 922 buses will take you there. These would be much helpful along your Shanghai tour package.

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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Shanghai Tours-Never Miss the Shanghai Bund

The Bund is one of the most China tours famous tourist destinations in Shanghai. It starts from the Baidu Bridge, which is at the connecting point of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek, to the East Jinling Road and winds a 1500 meters (less than one mile) length. Walking along the Bund, which is at the west shore of the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower can be seen on the opposite side and also the Jin Mao Tower.

Being one of the Top Ten Shanghai Attractions, the Bund is a really beautiful and special place which is worth visiting. The newly-built Flood Control Bank takes the function of preventing the oversize flood; the square with the statue of Marshal Yangtze River cruises Chen Yi is an open air podium which gives new views of the Shanghai Plaza Culture; the Cenotaph which stands on the man-made island is a monument of people's heroes; the riverside greenbelt, the Electronic Waterfall Bell, and the Great Mural Carving are all representatives of the Bund.

Shanghai tours

Farther south down the Bund Promenade are scores of vendors, a few restaurants, and excellent overlooks facing the river. At the intersection with Yan'an Dong Lu, you'll also notice a picturesque Signal Tower, a slender, round brick tower that served as a control tower for river traffic during colonial days. First built in 1884, the tower was rebuilt in 1907, and China tour also relayed weather reports. In 1993 during the widening of Zhongshan Lu, it was moved 20m (66 ft.) to its current site. About a 20-minute walk farther down the promenade are the docks for the Huangpu River cruises.

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Monday 4 November 2013

Yu Yuan Garden Travel Guide-Shanghai Tours

Yu Yuan is a pleasant enough, China tours well-contained classical Chinese garden, if not quite the loveliest of its kind, as local boosters would have you believe. Bearing the burden of being the most complete classical garden in urban Shanghai and therefore a must-see for every tourist, this overexposed garden overflows daily with hordes of visitors, and is no longer the pastoral haven it once was.

Built between 1559 and 1577 by local official Pan Yunduan as the private estate for his father, Yu Yuan (meaning "Garden of Peace and Comfort") is a maze of Ming Dynasty pavilions, elaborate rockeries, arched bridges, and goldfish ponds, all encircled Yangtze River cruises by an undulating dragon wall. Occupying just 2 hectares (5 acres), it nevertheless appears quite expansive, with room for 30 pavilions.


Yu Yuan is located at the heart of Old Town (Nanshi), a few blocks southwest of the Bund in downtown Shanghai (Metro: Yu Garden [Line 10]). The main entrance and ticket window (tel. 021/6355-5032 or 021/6326-0830; are on the north shore of the Huxin Ting pond. It is open from 8:30am to 5:30pm (last ticket 5pm), and admission is ¥40. The least crowded time to visit is early China business tour morning. Allow 2 hours for a leisurely tour of this site.

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