Sunday 27 April 2014

Top Travel to Shanghai Guide (Two)

Shanghai has long been China's premier shopping city. The initial demand for expensive, luxury travel to Shangri-la goods previously came from Shanghai's rich, foreign communities in the colonial period.Nowadays, the desire for the latest consumer goods and fashions is driven by the city's new-found wealth and burgeoning middle-classes.
Nanjing Lu (Nathan Road) is Shanghai's most famous shopping street. Around 10km in length - the street is divided into two sections: Nanjing Dong (East) Lu runs from the Bund to People's Park and then Shanghai tour becomes Nanjing Xi (West) Lu.
Shanghai Nanjing Road
Travel to Shanghai
The 5.5-km long Nanjing Road is the most bustling and prosperous street in Shanghai. It was first built in 1851. Formerly it was a country path in the fields running east-westward from the Bund to Henan Road. In 1853 the Fuli Company was opened here. In 1851, 14 firms like the China tours Waston, Lao Deji Pharmacy and others and 9 cotton and woolen fabric stores were set up. Along with the development of the city and the import of large quantities of foreign merchandise commerce, Nanjing Road experienced rapid developing. Hundreds of big stores and famous shops were opened one after another.
With the opening of five department stores, Wing On, Sincere, Sun Sun, Dai Sun and China Chinese Goods, the colorful and brightly lit Nanjing Road became the most bustling commercial street in Shanghai and in the whole country. Now the newly paved Nanjing Road has become the centre of Shanghai’s busy downtown. Here, one will find modern malls, famous old-brand stores and special product Yangtze River cruises shops. It has become the largest collecting and distributing centre of retail goods in Southeast China. The every-day visitor flow here reaches over a million person/times. At night, lights glitter in blazing colors, especially at weekends; it becomes a pedestrian walkway for shopping and sightseeing.

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