Thursday 26 December 2013

Shanghai Tours-Jade Buddha Temple (Two)

Though an active Buddhist monastery today, the real emphasis at Shanghai's most popular temple is squarely on tourism. What the busloads come for are the temple's two gorgeous white jade Buddhas, each carved from an individual slab of Burmese jade and brought to Shanghai in 1881 by the monk Huigeng, who was on his way back from Burma to his hometown on nearby Putuo Shan (Putuo Island). Northeast of the main Daxiong Bao Dian (Treasure Hall of the Great Hero), the Cangjing Lou houses the first of the two treasures: a lustrous, beatific, seated Buddha weighing 205 kilograms (452 lb.), measuring 1.9m (6 1/4 ft.), and adorned with jewels and stones. The other Buddha is found northwest of the main hall in the Wofo Si, where a less impressive, but still beautiful 1m-long (3 1/4-ft.) sleeping Buddha reclines, his peaceful expression signaling his impending entry into nirvana. Opposite it is a larger, coarser replica donated by the educational tours in China Singapore Buddhist Friendship Association in 1988.

Both the Sitting Buddha and the China tours Recumbent Buddha can be found in the Temple. The sitting Buddha, carved with whole white jade, is a picture of enlightenment and meditation. The Sitting Buddha is 190 centimeters high and it is wearing a robe inlaid with precious emerald and agate.

Shanghai tours

The Recumbent Buddha, on the other hand, is 96 centimeters long and is lying on his right side. The recumbent pose is also known as the ‘lucky repose’ and it portrays the sedate face of the Yangtze River cruises Buddha.

The Grand Hall of the temple is Shanghai tour where the god of the 20 heavens is located. The gods are covered in gold and they line the eastern and the western sides of the hall.

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